Ned Schmidt's Blog

Publisher of The Value View Gold & The Agri-Food Value View Reports
nwschmidt [at] earthlink [dot] net ()

Mr. Schmidt is a financial engineer specializing in global capital flows. He has been an advocate and practitioner of value oriented investing for thirty years. Ned began his investment career as a security analyst following the oil industry in the early 1970s. In the 1980s he was manager of an investment management group with discretionary responsibility for about $3.5 billion. During the past decade he also taught institutional investment management as The Roland George Visiting Professor of Applied Investments at Stetson University.

He currently manages the Argyle Global Equity Appreciation Fund, an offshore mutual fund in the top quartile of global equity funds the past three years by Standard and Poors.

Ned currently publishes THE VALUE VIEW GOLD REPORT, and writes for THE GLOBAL ADVISOR published in Toronto.

Case of the Missing Corn

200 million bushels of corn suddenly disappear. Could the mystery of the disappearing corn be rich material for Erle Stanley Gardner? Probably not.

Big U.S. Corn Crop: Feeds World for Two Days

That North America is to have a bumper corn harvest this coming Fall seems to be well known. U.S. corn harvest in September/October is expected to be almost 30% above the drought-reduced crop of last year.

The Magnificent Seven, of Grains

Our Magnificent Seven of Grains are perhaps not as exciting as those in the Seven Samurai or the cinematic classic The Magnificent Seven(Yul Brynner, 1960), but they are also essential to the survival of the world “village.”

Follow the Money: Buy Hogs, Sell Goog

Does management of Shuanghui International Holdings understand the future better than most? Or maybe, the Street and its army of overpaid analysts and gurus never understand the future.

Dollar Indices: Research Rubbish?

Investors rely on indices to help understand how a market is moving, and perhaps even how it might move in the future. Technical analysis of a market, for example, is only possible due to market indices. How else would we assess what might be happening in a market? If an index is not properly constructed, that whole effort may prove fruitless.

Corn: Too Cold or Wet Yet

Let us start by remembering the most important aspect of Agri-Commodities. They are not produced in a factory. Corn, today’s example, is produced by placing a seed in dirt with the proper amount of water and nutrients.

Stocks? Should Have Bought Breakfast!

Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day. Thus far in 2013 breakfast has been not only that, but one of the better investments. The oats in that bowl of hardy cereal, as shown in the chart below, have been a star performer.

Second Place Is First Loser

Our headline came from the T-shirt of a young soccer player. Her opinion of coming in second in a tournament was quite clear.

Chicken or the Egg?

No, we do not have the answer to that age old question, and nor do we plan on writing any further about the collapse of AAPL. We do know that when it comes to prices, the chicken came first this time.

We Will Accept Their Apology

All us crazy Gold bugs are ready to accept the apology of gurus and strategists that have filled the airways and internet with the unrelenting drivel on buying paper equities over the past two decades.

Financial Sense Wealth Management: Invest With Us
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