By Gary Shilling – Leveraged loans, low-quality vehicles used to finance corporate takeovers, hit a new high of $1.6 trillion last year and investors are increasingly willing to buy “covenant-lite” loans with few caveats to prevent egregious behavior by borrowers...
By Gary Shilling – Trump understands that, in a world of surpluses, the buyer, not the seller, has the upper hand. And the U.S. is the absorber of the world’s excess goods and services for which there are no other major markets. Add in Trump’s zeal for deals and...
Feb 16 – FS Insider interviews Gary Shilling to discuss his most recent Insight newsletter on risks to the current market and economy, his concerns over Social Security, Medicare, and when these programs are likely to...
By Gary Shilling – The Fed is thoroughly convinced that the headline unemployment rate, now 4.2%, is so low that it will soon spawn significant wage inflation that, if left unchecked, will spread throughout the economy. The central bankers fervently believe...
By A. Gary Shilling – Most forecasters, including the Fed, continue to look in vain for significant inflation generated by wage jumps. They don't take into account the depressing effects on compensation of globalization and the resulting large...
Oct 27 – In today’s FS Insider, Jim Puplava and Gary Shilling discuss his recent Insight newsletter, Doubling Down on Deflationary Forces, looking on the long-term forces conspiring against inflation—automation, globalization...
Jul 1 – Today, we are airing two previous FS Insider interviews from May and June where we interviewed well-known guests, Ed Easterling and Gary Shilling, on market valuations, expected returns, flawed assumptions...
Jun 9 – In today’s FS Insider, we are airing part of a recent conversation with Gary Shilling on his most recent June Insight newsletter examining US debt, government interest costs, the events that might cause a “US debt bomb” to explode, and...
Feb 18 – In this hour long conversation, Gary Shilling of A. Gary Shilling & Co. and Jim Puplava discuss trade, China, the US dollar, emerging markets, infrastructure spending, monetary policy, as well as Gary’s outlook for stocks...
Sep 3 – Jim is pleased to welcome back Gary Shilling Ph.D., President at A Gary Shilling & Co and publisher of the newsletter Insight. Jim and Gary cover a wide variety of issues. Gary notes that global economic weakness may force the Federal Reserve...
Jun 24 – Jim welcomes Gary Shilling PhD, President of A Gary Shilling & Co, publisher of Insight and author of The Age of Deleveraging. Gary believes that global growth will be sluggish in the years ahead, as the deleveraging process...
Feb 5 – Jim welcomes back Gary Shilling PhD, President of A. Gary Shilling & Co and publisher of Insight. They discuss how Gary’s book, The Age of Deleveraging, is still relevant and still prescient in its forecasts. Gary notes that “history is...
Nov 13 – Jim welcomes back Gary Shilling PhD, president of A. Gary Shilling & Co, and publisher of Insight. Gary and Jim discuss the current economic environment in China and if it will continue to devalue its currency against the dollar. They also discuss the slow growth recovery in the US and how...
Jun 24 – Despite the Federal Reserve’s forecasts of 4% growth since 2012, the reality has been in the 2% range. Jim welcomes back A. Gary Shilling PhD, President of A Gary Shilling & Company. Gary believes that 2% growth is likely...
Nov 21 – Jim is pleased to welcome back A. Gary Shilling PhD, President of A. Gary Shilling & Co., an economic consulting firm. Gary believes what many economic analysts are missing is the overpowering reality of deleveraging on the economy, and how it can take a decade or longer to work off the overhanging debt.
May 9 – Jim welcomes back A. Gary Shilling PhD, President of A. Gary Shilling & Co., an economic consulting firm. Gary and Jim cover the current economic trends, as well as current Federal Reserve policy under Janet Yellen.
Mar 11 – Jim is pleased to welcome back A. Gary Shilling Ph.D., President of A. Gary Shilling & Co., an economic consulting firm and a registered investment advisor. Gary and Jim cover an array of topics, including manufacturing, banking...
Nov 15 – Jim is pleased to welcome economist Dr. Gary Shilling, President of A. Gary Shilling & Co., Inc., established in 1978. They discuss Dr. Shilling’s shift from confirmed bear to bull on the future economic prospects of America.