Jim Puplava Interviewed on Wall St for Main St on Commercial Real Estate Bubble, Debt Trap, and Metals

April 21, 2023 – Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, long-time professional money manager (since the 1970s) and long-time host of the popular Financial Sense Newshour radio program on investing and markets, Jim Puplava. During this 40+ minute interview, Jason asks Jim about this cycle's US real estate bubble in commercial real estate, whether regional banks will be allowed to fail by the US government and the Fed (or receive bailouts), why gold prices remain relatively high despite a falling CPI, the Permian Basin oil production peaking, and the US government's precarious finances with high interest rates. Jason also draws on Jim's knowledge, having read over 1,000 books on investing, business, and financial history, to discuss whether governments will allow deflation for an extended period of time. Jim also talks about why he thinks there will be a short squeeze in silver and which industries can still grow their dividends by 8% or more going forward.

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