Financial Sense Blog

Hong Kong: 'Goodbye U.S. dollar, Hello Chinese yuan'

A look at the changing face of global settlement currency

Due to high growth and easy money, Hong Kong is ripe for some serious economic turbulence, namely, inflation. Calls will intensify for the HK dollar to be decoupled from the U.S. dollar.

The Bubble Machine Is Cranking

Choose Your Bubble!

By Sy Harding

The Fed has cranked up the bubble-machine again, pumping up opportunities as well as risk!

A Bale in the Wind

Savers and merchants worldwide are being forced to price scarce resources in ever-depreciating money..

Beware The Fed Tide

This week, desperation became palpable at the Fed. In both the formulaic statement that accompanied its FOMC policy decision and Chairman Ben Bernanke's unusual (and clumsy) Washington Post op-ed follow up, the guardians of our currency expressed grave disappointment at the slow pace of US economic recovery and emphasized the continued threat of deflation. The Fed is now pledging to defeat this recession using any monetary means necessary. Unfortunately, their embrace threatens to smother our economy.

Radical Difference Between Monetization 1 and QE2

"QE2" is radically different – and radically more dangerous – than the risky games that were played with earlier "quantitative easings".

One of the Greatest Blunders in History

Many years from now when we look back at history I think yesterday will be seen as one of the greatest blunders ever made by a central banker. The dollar was already headed down into a major 3 year cycle low.

Bernanke Dares The World

On November 3, 2010 the Federal Reserve Board announced another round of money printing (aka quantitative easing), and yesterday Chairman Bernanke defended the Fed’s actions in the Washington Post. It is unusual for Mr. Bernanke to use the op-ed format to impart the Fed’s thought process. This speaks to the fact that while so many are aware of the risks of QE2, so few see the potential benefits. Before some thoughts on QE2, first an overview of Bernanke’s commentary.

QE Good for Gold and other Asset Prices

The election went according to prediction; gridlock is the most likely outcome for the next two years. President Obama is faced with a choice to either move more to the center on domestic issues, or focus on foreign policy.

A Communist Conspiracy?

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, writing in the Manifesto of the Communist Party , famously said that a specter was haunting Europe -- the specter of Communism. All the powers of old Europe, they said, had entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this specter. Marx and Engels set down two things resulting from this fact, in 1848: (1) "Communism is already acknowledged by all European powers to be itself a power";

S&P 500 May Be Headed to 1,256

Sentiment Backs Off A Little

Now that mid-terms, QE2, and the employment report are in the rearview mirror, it is a good time to catch our breath and discern what may be in store over the next week or two.

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