Alex Daley's Blog

Senior Editor
info [at] caseyresearch [dot] com ()

Alex Daley is the senior editor of Casey’s Extraordinary Technology. In his varied career, he’s worked as a senior research executive, a software developer, project manager, senior IT executive, and technology marketer.

He’s an industry insider of the highest order, having been involved in numerous startups as an advisor to venture capital companies. He’s a trusted advisor to the CEOs and strategic planners of some of the world’s largest tech companies. And he’s a successful angel investor in his own right, with a long history of spectacular investment successes. Creates 5,000 Jobs, Destroys 25,000 in the Process?

The past few weeks have seen the tech and business media abuzz about a not-so-little warehouse in Tennessee. That's because this distribution center, opening its doors with a burst of fanfare and...

Water: The Next Great Technological Frontier

Water is not scarce. It is made up of the first and third most common elements in the universe, and the two readily react to form a highly stable compound that maintains its integrity even at temperature extremes.

Peter Schweizer on the Corrupting Influence of Political Intelligence

Peter Schweizer is probably one of the few Americans who truly understands how deep the cronyism runs in our political system, and he's revealed a lot about that and what he thinks mainstream citizens can do to start counteracting it in his book Throw Them All Out .

Is Big Data the Next Billion-Dollar Technology Industry?

It is not news that our capacity to gather and store immense amounts of data has grown by leaps and bounds. A few years ago, it was unthinkable for a free email account to offer more than 10 or 20 megabytes of storage.

Converged Networks: An Unstoppable Tech Trend

The development of converged networks is one of the hottest trends in technology today. Packets, packets, it's all about the packets...

How America’s Obsession with Liberal Arts Is Making Us Less Competitive

In the world of finance, there is always talk of bubbles - mortgage bubbles, tech stock bubbles, junk bond bubbles. But bubbles don't develop only in financial markets. In recent years, there's been another one quietly inflating, not capturing the attention of most observers: a Liberal Arts bubble.

Is Biotech Looking Bubbly?

There is no question that biotechnology is a hot sector right now. The anecdotal evidence is everywhere, from attendance at industry conferences to coverage in the mainstream financial press. But recent data from the biotechnology analysts at the respected trade journal Signals say it just might be the hottest the sector has ever been.

$8.4 Billion Down the Drain

Details on Microsoft's acquisition of Skype from a technology experts point-of-view.

AT&T-Mobile: The Mega Merger

This Sunday, AT&T and T-Mobile USA operator Deutsche Telekom AG made a huge merger announcement. AT&T, the United States’ second largest wireless operator, agreed to acquire the fourth largest provider, T-Mobile, for $39 billion in cash and stock.

Doing Business in the U.S. Has Gone from Advantage to Liability

What started as an exciting announcement for Goldman Sachs – that it would lead a major investment round in fast-growing social network Facebook with its renewed focus on banking is quickly turning into a public relations nightmare for the firm.

Financial Sense Wealth Management: Invest With Us
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