Edward Dowd: The Greatest Scandal of Our Times Is About to Break

April 1, 2022 – After this week's wrap-up on the stock market, economic numbers, and the yield curve, Financial Sense Newshour speaks with technician and strategist Robin Griffiths about the outlook for commodities and a brewing storm to hit the global economy this year. Next, Edward Dowd explains how there's now been a large amount of data disclosed, either through Freedom of Information releases or whistleblower complaints, that conclusively shows, he says, that Pfizer made egregious mistakes during clinical trials regarding the safety of their vaccines. Edward says this is not only being corroborated by VAERS (vaccine adverse event reporting system) but also by a record number of insurance industry claims for deaths among younger, healthy individuals. Edward believes this is the greatest scandal or fraud we've seen in recent history and says that there is going to be a significant news event to break this story into the mainstream news in the coming weeks. What he has to say is both powerful and controversial. If you have any information on this story, please let us know by submitting a message on our Contact Us page.

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