Yvette McGaffin on Pilates: The Ultimate Full Body, Low Impact Workout for All Ages

April 24, 2023 – Yvette McGaffin, CEO and co-founder of ReformRX, as well as a functional movement specialist, discusses why Pilates is quickly becoming the ideal fitness regimen for men and women of all ages. Originating in rehabilitating soldiers, Pilates has evolved into a widespread practice among dancers, professional athletes, and people of all types. Yvette explains how Pilates is instrumental in rehabilitation therapy, preventing injuries, and improving posture and core strength through a low impact, full body exercise. Yvette and Financial Sense Newshour host Jim Puplava also discuss her unique, innovative Pilates reformer, which incorporates a chair and enhanced safety features, concentrating on trunk control and transverse abdominus engagement to assist proprioception for balance, fluidity of movement, core strength, and much more.

Key Topics Discussed:

  1. Pilates' history and growing popularity
  2. Rehabilitation therapy and injury prevention
  3. Healthy aging and core strength
  4. Differences between Pilates and yoga
  5. Pilates reformer design and features
  6. Improved posture, balance, and performance across various activities

Learn more about ReformRX and their new Pilates reformer by going to Reform RX | The World's First Digitally Connected Pilates Reformer

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