Financial Sense Blog

David Rosenberg on What Could Stall Economic Recovery

May 5 – David Rosenberg recently joined FS Insider to discuss first quarter GDP numbers and what they’re telling us about the state of the U.S. economy. He also explained why he sees the U.S. entering a depression...

Robin Griffiths on Why There Won’t Be a New Bull Market Until 2023 

May 4 – Robin Griffiths joined Jim Puplava on a recent edition of the Financial Sense Newshour. Robin told listeners why he believes we’re in a bear market rally and why he doesn’t think there will be another bull market until 2023...

The End of Money: Mountains of Debt

May 1 – The problem with debt levels is that they look good in rising asset markets, such as we saw in the housing and stock market, until recently. The problem arises when asset markets fall and deflate as we saw with stocks between...

Keith Barron on Gold and Massive Deflation

Apr 29 – Keith Barron of Aurania Resources recently talked to Jim Puplava about why we’re in a favorable environment for gold and why he thinks the U.S. could be heading toward a period of “massive 1930s-style deflation.”

A Half-Speed Economy Will Be the New Normal, Says Bruce Mehlman

Apr 28 – Bruce Mehlman shares why the coronavirus wasn’t a black swan event but rather a white swan event we knew was coming. He also breaks down the response of Congress and the great reopening debate...

John Kosar on FAANG Stocks and the Future of the US Economy  

Apr 27 – John Kosar of Asbury Research recently joined the Financial Sense Newshour to discuss what the FAANG stocks represent in the larger picture of the S&P 500. He explains what we can learn from the 1918 flu pandemic and...

Peter Zeihan on China, Coronavirus Recovery and the Economic Impact of a Second Wave

Apr 22 – Peter Zeihan recently told FS Insider listeners why he doesn’t trust any of the data coming out of China and why he expects they have a hard political and economic crash ahead of them. He also shared his thoughts on the economic recovery...

Richard Sylla on the Return of Inflation and the Lowest Interest Rates in Decades

Apr 21 – You might not hear many people talking about the return of inflation right now. Richard Sylla says that doesn’t mean inflation isn’t coming. The NYU professor and co-author of A History of Interest Rates...

Zero-Bound: The Return of Inflation and the Loss of Income

Apr 16 – Government debt could soon rise to 130-140% of gross domestic product. Last year at this time the figure was close to 100% of GDP. Now we will be approaching debt levels last seen after World War II. Debt at these levels is only...

The World Economy Is in a Free Fall, Says Felix Zulauf

Apr 14 – FS Insider recently spoke to hedge fund manager Felix Zulauf to get his take on the state of the global and U.S. economy. Felix shared his thoughts on what a recovery could look...

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