Financial Sense Blog

No One Loves a Pessimist

Generally speaking a congenital pessimist is regarded as being anti-social. The “every silver lining has a dark cloud” attitude to life is not appreciated by people who consider their selves to be mentally healthy. But the flip side of this is that whilst an “every cloud has a silver lining” attitude tends to raise ones profile in the popularity stakes, it is likely to be just as inaccurate in its conclusions.

Bonds, Dollar, SP500 & Gold Have Changed Direction

Are you ready for a market correction?

There have been some major trend changes recently and it looks as though more investments are about to follow. The real question though is… Are You Ready To Take Advantage Of It? It has been an exciting ride to say the least with the equities and metals bull market and the plummeting dollar. But it looks as though their time is up, or at least for a few weeks. Traders and investors will slowly pull money off the table to lock in gains or cut losses and re-evaluate the overall market condition before stepping back up to the plate and taking another swing. Below are a few charts showing some possible money making trade ideas in the weeks ahead.

Competition Moves Society Forward

Competition is present in all areas of life, and it serves as a fantastic benefit to society by encouraging progress and innovation. While competition can be entertaining in the form of sports, it is also good for business and government.

Beware of "The Economy"

Investors, especially those in America, tend to think of “the economy” or “the market” as if the U.S. economy and the U.S. stock market were all that mattered. At the time that most of us were at university and learning the basics of investing, the U.S. situation was representative of the world situation. It made sense at that time to think of “the economy”, because the world pretty much responded according to the health of the American economy.

America Surrenders

The sad tale of the greatest country in the world unwilling to fight.

America's acceptance of QE2 from the Federal Reserve Bank was the symbolic raising of the white flag. Unwilling to fight for freedom and unwilling to accept the truth, the greatest country the world has ever known has ceded economic control.

India and China Continue to Drive Gold Demand

Despite record high prices, demand for gold jewelry and gold as an investment surged forward during the third quarter, driven by continued growth in India and China.

G20: Look for Even More Friction in the Future

With France and China already plotting to replace the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency at the next G20 summit in Cannes, don’t count on this international forum’s lasting too much longer.

Black Swans Yellow Gold

A few years ago I did an appraisal for a client who was pledging his gold as collateral in a commercial real estate transaction. In the course of doing the appraisal, I was struck with the large gain in value. His original purchase in 2002 was in the seven figures when gold was still trading in the $300 range. His holdings had appreciated 50% after a roughly three-year holding period. (Since that appraisal, the value has risen another three times.) I asked his permission tell his story at our website as an example how gold can further one’s business plans.

Collection Call

Hello, is this Japan I’m speaking to?

Gold Is Correcting, When To Buy?

After sporting a testosterone-like surge in price since late July, both gold and silver are taking an ebb from their flow. You may think me mad or even throw a four-letter word my way if you're new, but I'm excited. I want to buy more precious metals, and I want to buy them at the best prices possible.

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