Financial Sense Blog

GOLD: Opportunities + Threats = Opportunities

By Deepcaster

Profitable Gold Ownership has for years been burdened by Threat of Cartel Price Takedown Attempts. However, there are Causes to believe that The Cartel’s Capacity to effect dramatic and sustained price Takedown is now severely limited.

Two Decades of Greed

The Unraveling

We are currently in the midst of a Fourth Turning. This twenty year Crisis began during the 2005 - 2008 timeframe with the collapse of the housing bubble and subsequent repercussions on the worldwide financial system. It is progressing as expected, with the financial crisis deepening and leading to tensions across the world.

Hydroelectric Revolution

A River Runs Through It

Two years ago, British Columbia’s premier electric utility company, BC Hydro, issued its “Clean Power Call” – a bid for the province to achieve electric self-sufficiency through renewable energy by 2016. That aggressive goal sparked an intense competition. Renewable energy companies of all stripes were jostling each other to prove that their project was the best, and to win a coveted Electricity Purchase Agreement (EPA).

Stock Market Trend: Unchanged

As severe as the April–May correction has been, on a technical basis the primary bullish trend remains intact. I just wanted to point out a few things to our readers based purely on Dow Theory’s interpretation of trend. The goal is to remove emotion from the equation. Now, let's take a look at the stock market.

Get Right Back to Where We Started From

Whether you call it a merry-go-round or a roller coaster, the ride of the past two weeks has put you right back where you started. While a rally was not too surprising, given the huge amount of selling over the prior two weeks, the markets seemed to still be trading on data from overseas rather than economic data here.

Is There Really a Credit Crisis?

There seems to be a consensus that the debt balloon has reached the point of no return. History has something entirely different to say on the matter, however.

Will Gold fall if Commodities Fall?

The debate is on-going as to whether we are entering a period where demand for commodities will fall in price or not. The reports are there that the Chinese government will slow the Chinese economy down to the point where their hunger for resources will slow and commodity prices fall. If they do fall will the world’s appetite for gold fall to? And will the gold price fall?

Gold Going to Parabolic Top of $10,000 by 2012

For Good Reasons

No wishful thinking here! As I see it gold is going to a parabolic top of $10,000 by 2012 for very good reasons - sovereign debt defaults, bankruptcies of “too big to fail” banks and other financial entities, currency inflation and devaluations - which will all contribute to rampant price inflation.

Th*nk*ng (Oil)

I’ve been thinking about oil. Actually I’ve been thinking about the Gulf oil disaster, a sudden up tick in media events, “developments,” spin, BP and the Beverly Hillbillies. We are now at almost sixty days (or two months) of Horizon Deepwater’s spewing its vile venom into the Gulf of Mexico.

Gold, Oil & SPX Trading at Key Pivot Points

Last week we saw the financial market including commodities move higher which was great to see. But the recent run up has brought both equities and commodities to their key resistance levels. With Gold, Oil and the SP500 trading near key resistance points we will most likely have some sharp movements this week so buckle up tight!

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