Financial Sense Blog

Fannie and Freddie Waterfalls Are Too Big to Bail

It's been a wild ride for Fannie and Freddie recently. Yesterday, James Lockhart, director of the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise, said the GSEs are "well capitalized." William Poole, former Fed governor disagrees. See...

Who Should You Believe?

By Chris Puplava – Those most pessimistic on the economy and stock market have been proven right over and over again over the last year and a half, with those who listened to their calls for caution preserving their wealth instead of watching it evaporate...

Le Tour - Future Directions for the S&P

While watching Le tour de France weaving its annual magic through Brittany this week before heading for the heights of the Pyrenees, on its way to Paris, I was reminded of the delight that I have had over many years watching this spectacular event. Lance Armstrong of course lives in our memories for the awesome precision and courage he bought to his fabled assaults on the Maillot Jaune, the coveted tour leader’s yellow jersey.

The Politics of Deception: Historian Kevin Phillips on Decades of Bi-Partisan Deceit

Kevin Phillips, author of Bad Money: Reckless Finance, Failed Politics, and the Global Crisis of American Capitalism, has expertly detailed the history of false economic achievement in a recent Harper’s Magazine article. The culmination of 40+ years of gradual but consistent distortion of economic statistics have come home to roost and explain much of our current morass.

What the Founding Fathers Would Say

In the Declaration of Independence we find the following words: “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes.” These are not the most quoted or most remembered words from the Declaration...

Algae: Greener than Ethanol?

In my May article, Food Shock, I mentioned that biofuel production was consuming many of the crops normally used for food.

Not Quite Slow and Steady

Despite plenty of evidence that domestic demand continues to weaken, some analysts have remained upbeat on the economy (and the stock market). One reason for their optimism is their belief that dollar weakness will (continue) to power export sales...

Don't Forget Newton's First Law!

By Chris Puplava – Investors would do well to remember Sir Isaac Newton’s first law of motion that states an object in motion will stay in motion unless an external net force acts upon it. The motion of the U.S. economy is clearly...

Benedict Benjamin Bernanke

The Federal Reserve System is the central bank of the United States. It was founded by Congress in 1913 to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system.

The Enemy’s Scheme of Attack

A small war can grow into a great war. Superpowers may confront each other. In fact, it’s happening now. The world’s superpowers are suppressing Islamists in Iraq and Chechnya. Adjoining each conflict is another conflict, ready to flare up.

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