Michael Shedlock's Blog

Investment Advisor Representative
investing [at] sitkapacific [dot] com ()

Mike 'Mish' Shedlock Mish is a registered investment advisor representative for SitkaPacific Capital Management. Sitka Pacific is an asset management firm whose goal is strong performance, low volatility, regardless of market direction. He has a global economics blog which has commentary 7-10 times a week, and is a "professor" on Minyanville. Mike does weekly live radio on KFNX, the Charles Goyette show every Wednesday. When not writing about stocks or the economy he spends a great deal of time on photography. He has over 80 magazine and book cover credits. Some of his Wisconsin and gardening images can be seen at Michaelshedlock.com.

Instant Tax Collection: As Bitcoin Surges to Record High, China Prepares its Own Digital Currency

Bitcoin hit an all-time high of $1,172.09. Traders are happy because the SEC is expected to rule on a Bitcoin ETF by March 11. Meanwhile, Bloomberg reports China Is Developing its Own Digital Currency.

Amazon Plans Robotic Supermarket Staffed by 3; Chinese Factory Eliminate 90% of Humans, Defects Drop 80%

Trump blames Mexico, China, and even Germany for taking US jobs and for US trade imbalances. His message resonated with voters. People can believe whatever “fake news” they want, but Trump’s theory on manufacturing jobs falls...

Trump’s Expected Ambassador to EU Says “Short the Euro, Collapse May Come in 12 to18 Months”

Professor Ted Malloch, Trump’s expected ambassador to the EU says “The one thing I would so in 2017 is short the euro.” I am not certain there will be a European Union in which to have negotiations… The one thing I would...

Secular Stagnation Theory: Challenge to DeLong, Summers, Bernanke, Krugman, Keen, Pettis, Edwards

Some interesting charts came my way today regarding the income inequality debate. Let’s start with some charts, then explore the meme of the day that rising income inequality is behind “secular stagnation”. I challenge economists Brad...

Financial Times Editorial Seeks Restrictions on Free Speech to Stop False News “Propaganda War”

A pair of articles by the Financial Times offers quite the take on disinformation hypocrisy. I suggest the Financial Times look into the mirror if it wants to understand where the problem is. Worse yet, to stop the spread of fake news...

Google’s Self-Driving Minivans Arrive This Month

It’s been such a hoot reading comments from people telling me that self-driving vehicles are decades away if ever. The nay-sayers have been proven laughably wrong given Google’s New Self-Driving Minivans Will Hit the Road...

Fear of ‘Big Government’ Near Record High Despite Trump Win

Gallup has an interesting poll out today concerning top fears of US citizens. Despite the election of Donald Trump, Americans Still See Big Government as Top Threat.

Insurance Claim Adjusters Replaced by “IBM Watson Explorer”

Manufacturing jobs have already been decimated by robots. White collar workers are next in line. Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance in Japan is about to replace claim adjusters with a software robot from IBM.

Dispirited Buyers: Pending Home Sales Unexpectedly Dive 2.5 Percent

The Pending Home Sales Index declined 2.5% in November. Economists, who are generally surprised by everything, were caught off guard once again. Despite the fact that mortgage rates have been climbing for months, the economists...

3rd Quarter GDP Revised From 3.2% to 3.5%: What About the Entire Year?

The BEA released its Third Estimate of Third Quarter GDP today. In the third estimate, GDP rose at 3.5% annualized, up from 3.2%.

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