FS Staff's Blog

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MBridge and the Petroyuan: A New Era of De-dollarization

Jul 18, 2024 – Richard Turrin, the best-selling author of Cashless, breaks down the recent move by Saudi Arabia to join the Chinese-led mBridge alternative to SWIFT, and how this will very likely lead to other countries diversifying...

Major Investment Themes for the Coming Decade

Apr 10, 2024 – Over the next few years and well into this end of this decade, a number of long-term investment themes will impact the markets and drive capital into key sectors and assets. Today, we cover some of the largest and most significant...

How AI-Led DAOs Will Cause an “Institutional Revolution”

Apr 3, 2024 – The concept of a decentralized autonomous organization, or DAO, is gaining increasing attention as both a technological innovation and harbinger of societal change. In her book "DAOs and Purpose-Driven Tokens", Shermin Voshmgir...

Deep Dive: The US Jobs Market Is Much Weaker Than it Appears

Mar 21, 2024 – The US job market is showing signs of acute weakness with an alarming disconnect between the official government numbers and other metrics. Today, we cover some of the key charts and factors for the current...

How to Slash Your Taxes

Mar 21, 2024 – Ever find yourself wondering, “How can I lower my taxes?” Well, there’s a new book out to help people do just that. It’s called "The Investment Tax Guide: How to Slash Your Taxes," written by the former CEO of PayPal...

Navigating Financial Bubbles: Considerations for Today's Investors

Mar 14, 2024 – In recent years, AI stocks in particular have captivated the attention of investors all over the world, suggesting a bubble that could parallel previous episodes in financial history. Though valuations are...

Growth Slowdown But No Recession as Consumer Picture Remains Positive

Mar 11, 2024 – The US consumer will continue to provide support to the economy this year (see charts) and help to prevent an ongoing contraction in the manufacturing sector from developing into a broader recession. However, US GDP...

State-Level Data Shows Unemployment Spike Across the US

Mar 4, 2024 – The US economy is in the midst of a “reflationary acceleration” with the S&P 500, Dow, and Nasdaq all sitting at or near record highs. Today we explore a few key charts and trends that are likely to play a significant role...

Leading Indicators for Inflation Picking Back Up

Feb 27, 2024 – Last month's inflation report came in hotter than expected. Though some are dismissing this as statistical noise, several leading indicators for inflation are pointing to a potential acceleration for commodities and overall inflation...

The Next Big Arms Race Is Quantum

Feb 21, 2024 – With precision sensing applications establishing the first beachheads, quantum technologies have reached operational reality. Promising disruptions across industries and intensifying geopolitical competition...

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