Global Risk Insights's Blog

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Red tape, revolution, conflict, cronyism – all of these make doing business in the global arena a challenge for even the best prepared companies. The world’s rapidly changing political environment poses significant obstacles, but also great opportunities for today’s business community. Understanding the nexus between economics and politics has never been more important.

Global Risk Insights provides the web’s best political risk analysis for businesses and investors. Our contributors are some of the brightest minds in economics, politics, finance, and international relations. Our goal is to help individuals and corporations analyze and understand the politics of doing business so that they can make better informed decisions about their economic activities in every corner of the world.

Why Pokemon Go Scares Middle Eastern Governments

Pokemon Go is creating headaches for Middle Eastern governments, as concerns over security and subversion prompt call for intervention. Pokemon Go has quickly become a global phenomenon, the latest viral sensation boosted by...

Atlantic Divergence in Monetary Policy as US Economy Outpaces EU

In the short-term, the Fed may need to consider global factors when formulating policy. But over a longer horizon, a greater focus on domestic conditions means that the Fed may go down the road less traveled by raising interest rates from...

US Shale Industry Is Painfully Adapting to Low Oil Prices

Low oil prices wreaked havoc with US shale producers, but increasingly the industry appears to be adapting successfully to new market conditions. The rise in oil prices over the past six months has come as a blessing for the battered US...

Venezuela: Mired in Crisis, With No Clear Path Ahead

With Venezuela facing an unprecedented economic crisis, time is running out to enact much-needed reforms and avoid a drawn-out catastrophe. Venezuela is a time bomb. The opposition, led by former presidential candidate Enrique Capriles...

Brexit Leaves Markets in Upheaval

World financial markets are reeling from a surprise upheaval to the established order. “Dare to dream that the dawn is breaking on the independent United Kingdom!” said UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage upon the momentous...

Brexit: What to Expect After the EU-UK Membership Vote

The day after the EU-UK referendum, leaders will attempt to control political risks of a different nature, depending on the outcome. European Council President Donald Tusk recently claimed that a “Brexit could be the beginning...

2016 Is the Year of Cheap Renewables, Not Oil

While much attention is devoted to the fall of oil prices, 2016 has seen a significant expansion in the development of renewable energies. The global oil price slump has dominated the news for months, as exporting nations and energy...

Should Europe Implement Universal Basic Income?

Switzerland has voted against a universal basic income (UBI), but the debate continues across Europe. Does a guaranteed wage to all citizens bring opportunity to Europe’s troubled workforce, or only impose greater risk?

France Desperately Needs Labor Reform, Unions Disagree

Government labor market reform has triggered a nationwide wave of protests in France that highlight how traditional labor unions have joined forces with more modern anti-establishment radicals.

Yes or No, Brexit Has Already Changed the UK

The referendum regarding the UK’s membership in the European Union is scheduled to occur on the 23rd of June, 2016, with the result set to have huge consequences for the UK and the EU no matter what the people choose.

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