Financial Sense Blog

If Pigs Could Fly

Interesting times we live in, eh? Our global financial markets have metamorphosed more in the past fortnight than they did in the previous 14 years. Here’s a recap as to why, paying specific attention to the build-up of derivatives...

Political Blame and the Myth of Government...

It frightens me to hear politicians play the “blame game.” Those who blame others for national problems are attempting to focus the hatred of their listeners against a particular person. Most often the person targeted is already unpopular.

The Dollar is Doomed

When the precious metals were smashed out of nowhere and the dollar started climbing this summer I became very worried.

Clueless! The Shotgun Wedding

As the time draws near for the second coming of Paulson’s Bill of fiscal resurrection for the chosen on Wall Street we are required (strangely in the words of the Church of England wedding rites, possibly the least adhered to imprecation in human history) to compose our minds to consider that which is to come.

Will Commodities Recover from the Credit Crisis?

The term “credit crisis” can actually be broken down into two separate yet related categories. On the one hand the credit problem is a crisis in confidence. Confidence, after all, is the baseline requirement of any banking system. This is especially true for one as vast and reticular as the U.S. financial system.

Quietly Hiding Behind Economic Slowdown is Inflation

There is nowhere to hide in this market. At some point the expression, “there’s always a bull market somewhere” had to prove itself to be wrong. And now is the time. Save for bear funds, there is not a bull market anywhere.

Market & Economic Snapshot

By Chris Puplava – Today’s Observation will be light on commentary as I will let the charts do most of the talking in terms of gauging where things stand currently. Let’s dive right in. Despite all the efforts from the Federal Reserve...

Common Sense and Courage: Lost American Virtues

Why does only one man out of 435 members of Congress and 100 Senators speak this way? Why is he a pariah and a “nut case” among his fellow political “leaders” and most of the public as well? Perhaps the severity of the upcoming financial crisis will force the public to re-examine the underlying common sense of Dr. Paul’s words.

False Values, False Economy, and the Devil to Pay

Our wretched economy of false valuations cannot continue much longer. It is the domestic counterpart of President Bush’s past friendship with Vladimir Putin. It is the fantasy world of an everlasting bull market and “successful” government bailouts.

Um... Are We Forgetting Something Here?

It is clear that credit cycle reconciliation events are moving fast. Deleveraging, a theme I have been incessantly harping on almost all year, has clearly kicked into high gear. It’s thought in various circles that Paulson and friends helped engineer the near vertical decline in commodity prices sparked in mid-July.

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