The Lifetime Income Series: Divorce the Doom: Time for a New Philosophy

Special Guest: Dr. Paul Howard of the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research on the Impact of Obamacare on Pensions & Retiree Health Benefits

This week Jim and Cathlyn discuss how to approach your investments from a different angle. While there are serious challenges ahead for the US economy, there is also a lot going right for the US and our economy in today’s world. Jim and Cathlyn suggest taking a new philosophy to investing for retirement, and “divorce the doom”. They stress that this doesn’t mean to become complacent or asleep at the wheel, but to invest for what the market is doing, not what you think it should be doing. They illustrate this investing philosophy through the case study of Raymond and Olivia Barnes. The guest this week, Dr. Paul Howard of the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research will discuss the impact of Obamacare on business, pensions and retiree health benefits.

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