Lifetime Income Series: Five Mistakes That Can Damage Your Retirement

This week Jim and John will focus on overcoming barriers and mistakes that could delay your retirement, or even alter your lifestyle once you are retired. A few of the concepts discussed in the program reflect a change in thinking, given the realities of retirement today. So whether you are just starting your career, are twenty years away and raising your kids, or are ten years away and suddenly unemployed, you need to be aware of potential mistakes that can seriously damage or derail your retirement plans. As always, the earlier you begin the planning process, the greater the changes of a successful retirement. The guest this week is journalist Jonathan Clements. He discusses his recent article for the Wall Street Journal, titled The High Cost of Being Self-Employed. Jonathan points out the steep tax bills, having to buy your own health and disability insurance, and need to fund retirement with no help from an employer. Add it all up, and the numbers start to look ugly.

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