The Lifetime Income Series: Don’t Get Swayed by Fear or Greed - Remember the Plan

Special Guest: Lowell Smith, President of Inspira, on the Pros and Cons of SEP and SIMPLE IRA’s

In a special reprise edition of the Lifetime Income Series from earlier this year, Jim and Cathlyn share a case study of Sam and Melanie Krauss to highlight the importance of having an asset allocation plan. Frequently investors move between greed and fear and continuously shift their investments around, typically at the wrong times. What many investors seem to miss is that each asset class- stock, bonds, and commodities- goes through periods of outperforming the others. They also discuss how being flexible, but not reactionary, with the allocations is also important. The guest this week is Lowell Smith, president of Inspira, who will be discussing potential pitfalls in SEP IRA employer design & administration, as well as offering a comparison between SIMPLE and SEP IRAs for businesses looking to establish them for employee participants.

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