Jeffrey D Saut's Contributions

Buy C-R-A-P

We live in a modern world of acronyms and buzzwords, and the financial industry is certainly no exception. In fact, it may be one of the worst culprits, what with FANG, ZIRP, TINA, BREXIT, QUITALY, BRIC, etc. all entering....

Leon Tuey: Secular Bull Market Has Years Left to Run

One of the funnier shows in the Seinfeld comedy series was “Serenity Now.” The show centered on that phrase (serenity now) as George’s father, Frank Costanza, repeats the phrase numerous times every time he gets upset (see it here: serenity).

Not Afraid

Two of the longest secular bull markets chronicled in our notes began following Republican “revolutions.” The 1953 to 1973 bull market sprung from Eisenhower’s election (1952) and the subsequent infrastructure spending. The 1982 to 2000 secular bull...

Jeffrey Saut on Trump Win – Implications for Stocks, Bonds, and the Economy

Nov 10 – Raymond James’ Chief Investment Strategist, Jeffrey Saut, joins us today to provide his thoughts on the Trump win, Republican takeover of Congress and what this means for the US stock market, specific sectors, asset classes...

Déjà Vu?

“It’s like Déjà vu all over again.” —Yogi Berra. I loved Yogi Berra! First as a baseball player, who in his 19-season career played in 18 All-Star games and on 10 World Series Championship teams, and then as a manager and coach. He always had...

What Now?

I got an email last week that read, “What do I do now?” I replied, “I don’t know what you mean.” She wrote back, “I didn’t buy the February lows that your model told us to buy and I didn’t buy any of the stocks on your ‘buy list’...

Baby Don't Go

The year was 1964 when Reprise Records released the song “Baby Don’t Go.” Written by Sonny Bono, and recorded by Sonny & Cher (Cherilyn “Cher” Sarkisian), the song became a smash hit and set the duo’s career in motion.

Secular Bull Market Has Years Left to Run

“Nothin’ from nothin’ leaves nothin’ (Billy Preston)” . . . is the first line from Billy Preston’s hit song “Nothing From Nothing” recorded in 1974 on the album “The Kids & Me.” It was a song one of my bands used to play in an era long gone by.

Market Bubbles

Market bubbles occur when the price of an asset significantly deviates from its intrinsic value. There have been numerous bubbles predicted in my 20 years as a professional investor. Fortunately, only two, from the perspective of US investors...

I Think Icahn

Last Thursday was session 53 in the “buying stampede” and it was going along swimmingly. Well, I guess the surprise “no stimulus” announcement out of Japan caused an early morning stutter-step, but the equity markets seemed to stabilize...

Wait Until You Get a Pitch Right Where You Want It!

One of the most successful investors in history received the only A+ from Professor Benjamin Graham (of Graham and Dodd “Security Analysis” fame) at Columbia: the chairman and chief executive officer at Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.,

The Philosophy of Tops

For decades, I have used the aforementioned prose from iconic market guru Justin Mamis in my market commentary. For those of you who have seen the quote before, I urge you to read it again. For those seeing it for the first time...


The markets (any market) are seldom surprised by shocking events. But during those rare instances when a surprise catches the market a panic may result. My definition of a panic is this: A panic is a collapse (triggered by fear and unforeseen...

A Banana?!

When Herb Stein, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers in the Gerald Ford administration, was admonished by his boss not to use the word "recession" to describe a recession, he complied, reluctantly. "From now on," he told...

The Direct Credits Society?

Come with me, and Mr. Peabody, in the “Wabac Machine” (Wabac) to a place from a time long ago and galaxy far, far away. It was during the Great Depression in this country (1929 – 1939) when Lawsonomy was proposed by Alfred Lawson.

Jeffrey Saut Maintains Bullish Outlook as Long as This Key Level Holds

Feb 19 – Raymond James’ Chief Investment Strategist Jeffrey Saut is sticking to his bullish outlook on the stock market as long as the Dow doesn’t break it’s prior low. Jeff discusses Dow Theory and the sectors of the market that...

Boss Kettering

Men can be trained to be inventors by the simple process of telling them that it is not a disgrace to fail. In research work there is no such thing as failure in the accepted sense of the word. It is as important to know how not to do a thing sometimes as it is to know how to do it. And out of...

Out of Balance

It was September 10, 2001 when I slid into my trading turret around 5:00 a.m. to write that day’s strategy report. The stock market should have been rallying for the previous few weeks, but that was not happening. Accordingly, the first paragraph of the report read...

Jeffrey Saut: High-Yield Market Not a Bear Stearns Scenario

Dec 16 – Cris welcomes Jeffrey Saut, Chief Investment Strategist at Raymond James Financial. Jeff discusses the troubles in the high-yield market, but does not see a Bear Sterns implosion scenario. Jeff sees the broader market in a sideways consolidation pattern, but believes the secular bull is still intact...

Still Cautious

I first met Minyanville’s Todd Harrison more than 10 years ago. Subsequently the first “Minyans in the Mountains” confab was held in Crested Butte, Colorado. Todd’s Minyanville idea was to create a financial community whose participants would bond over the years and share...

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