Financial Sense's Contributions

Bracing for the Super Age

May 1, 2023 – In a recent podcast, author Bradley Schurman discussed his book, Super Age: Decoding Our Demographic Destiny , and the consequences of the upcoming Super Age, where the world's population reaches 10 billion and one out of five Americans...

Bilal Hafeez on Macro Headwinds, Market Opportunities

Apr 25, 2023 – Bilal Hafeez, CEO of Macro Hive, says the US stock market’s resilience in the face of ongoing economic weakness shows that investors are still not worried about an imminent recession, which could take place later this year...

Aggressive Bank Tightening Underway, Increasing 2023-2024 Recession Risks

Apr 5, 2023 – Mike Singleton, senior analyst at Invictus Research, warns that the US leading economic indicators have been declining since 2022 and that banks are now in an aggressive tightening posture, pointing towards a recession over...

Further Banking and Economic Troubles to Drive Next Major Bull Market in Gold and Silver, Says Jeff Christian

Mar 30, 2023 – This year has now kicked off with a series of bank failures in the US. Two of them (Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank) are the 2 nd and 3 rd largest in US history and Silicon Valley Bank was the largest since the 2008 financial crisis...

Is the Tide Still Going Out? Analyzing the Impact of Silicon Valley Bank Collapse on Credit Markets

Mar 28, 2023 – To understand the fallout from the Silicon Valley Bank collapse (the 2 nd largest bank failure in US history) and other recent banking troubles, we must examine the impact on various debt markets, including investment grade debt...

Felix Zulauf's 2023 Outlook on the Markets, Commodities, China, and More

Jan 4, 2023 – Felix Zulauf, head of Zulauf Consulting, recently discussed his short- and long-term outlook for the markets, the global economy, commodities, and much more in an interview on our weekday podcast. In the short-term...

Felix Zulauf's Macro Outlook for 2022

Dec 27 – I do believe that we are looking at a very important medium-term peak. But I do not believe that is the end of this current market cycle. I think the market cycle will most likely stretch into 2024. But what we are facing now is...

Jim Paulsen on Inflation Threat, US Macro Outlook

Sep 27 – Recent economic data releases continue to fuel fears of a slowdown in economic growth heading into 2022, but don't get too pessimistic on the outlook for the United States, says Leuthhold's Chief Investment Strategist Jim Paulsen...

Trading Stocks on the Blockchain — It's Coming, Industry Experts Argue

Sep 1 – Stock market trading is moving to the blockchain and this trend is going to ultimately extend to a large range of assets, argues a new 94-page report by industry experts across the globe. We recently spoke with one of the report's lead authors...

Martin Armstrong Discusses 2022 'Panic Cycle', Inflation Outlook, and More

Aug 23 – The main driver of markets today is the continual loss of confidence in government debt, argues Martin Armstrong. If we understand the big picture and how this is driving global capital, everything else follows and makes sense...

The Most Important Emerging Economy Is a Powerhouse of Critical Metals and Renewable Energy

Aug 11 – Indonesia is a country of 275 million people — the fourth largest by population in the world, after China, India and the United States — and its land mass extends across 14,000 islands, stretching the distance from New York to Los Angeles. It also...

The World Is About to Fall Off a Demographic Cliff, Warns Peter Zeihan, and the Implications Will Be Enormous

Jul 21 – The foundation of economic growth is the idea that consumption is continually stable or rising on a long-term basis, and that finance will rise right along with it. We have no experience of anything else in the modern era, Zeihan said. But now...

Here's Why You Shouldn't Fear the Taper

Jun 17 – Chris Puplava, CIO of Financial Sense Wealth Management, recently discussed why we are positioned for a more persistent, higher-than-average level of inflation in our latest weekly investment video and also explained why investors shouldn't fear a Fed tapering...

Ed Yardeni Discusses His Latest Book, the Fed and the Great Virus Crisis

Apr 19 – The widely-followed Ed Yardeni, chief investment strategist at Yardeni Research, recently discussed his latest book, The Fed and the Great Virus Crisis , on our podcast. Following the Covid outbreak and crash, Dr. Yardeni warns...

Key Charts: No Signs of Credit Stress and Trillions of Cash

Apr 2 – In light of the recent blowout economic numbers, here are some key highlights from our weekly investment video update, Get Ready for Market and Economic Surprises, on what investors should expect...

Martin Armstrong on Dow 40,000 and 2022 Political Panic

Mar 24 – In our recent interview, Armstrong reiterated that capital is continuing to shift away from government-issued debt and move into the private sector, whether that be in the form of corporate bonds or corporate equities (stocks)...

Texas Power Outage May End Favoring Push Toward Renewable Energy

Mar 10 – After the extreme weather events of late February, Texas and its struggling power grid came to national attention. Many felt that the weaknesses revealed by freezing temperatures may be changing the story for energy...

Corporate Buybacks, Rising Rates, and Commodities

Mar 2 – Gina Martin Adams, Chief Equity Strategist at Bloomberg Intelligence, said with a large amount of cash now sitting on corporate balance sheets, we are likely to see a wave of repurchases and dividend payments in 2021. In fact, recent data shows...

We Are Just Beginning a Major Global Spending Push, Says Felix Zulauf

Feb 24 – "Authorities have realized that they cannot just create money and liquidity and inject it into the financial system... We have to spend it. We are at the beginning of a huge period where governments will increase their expenditures..."

Craig Johnson on 2021 Market Outlook, Energy and "Green" Metals

Feb 18 – "Bullseye" Craig Johnson at Piper Sandler is one of the most accurate forecasters on the stock market we speak with on our Financial Sense Newshour podcast. Each year he gives a year-end target for the S&P 500 and, amazingly...

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