Financial Sense Blog

Banking on Foolishness: Financial Spinsters At It Again

By Chris Puplava – My past three Observations have been devoted to counterbalancing the financial Pollyanna folly that the worst is behind us; this will be the fourth. Foolish commentary abounds in the financial...

Buckle Up: With Transparency and Truth in Short Supply, Caution Is Warranted

Investor Jim Rogers minced few words, as usual, when asked about the U.S. Treasury Department's plan to shore up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

High Finance and Bolshevik Principles

It was Joshua Rosner, writing in the Financial Times on Tuesday, who said it best. “In a capitalist economy, losers are expected to take losses and winners to gain.” But that’s not the way it works today, is it?

Elephant Talk

Do you remember the old adage, “watch what is done, not what is said”? Well, it’s time to trot it out one more time as being very important to our current circumstances. Why? As you know, over close to the past month or so our favorite merry pranksters at the Fed have been running around thumping their collective chests and talking tough about inflation.

Invest on the Correct Side of the Long Trend

Investors would be well served to maintain those positions that are on the correct side of the long term trend. This is simple common sense. In spite of this simple theme, investors are bombarded by the much-espoused philosophy to invest in stocks for the long term and stay diversified.

Revisiting Ground Zero & the Spreading Tentacles of a Recession

Financial institutional losses are mounting as mortgage portfolios are written down as home prices continue to decline and foreclosures continue to rise. Highlights from a Bloomberg article shown below illustrate the dire housing situation.

Small Ball Can Make You Money

Too many middle class investors think that the game is rigged against them. While there is some truth to that sentiment, the small investor has a few advantages that the big money doesn't.

50 Ways to Leave Your GSE

First, let’s slip out the back, Jack, and try to wrap our heads around the unfolding situation. Last week, spooked investors, ‘got off the bus, Gus,’ sending the share prices of Fannie Mae [FNM] and Freddie Mac [FRE] down more than 45% on the week and more than 75% on the year.

Cultural Suicide

British columnist Melanie Phillips fears that the War on Terror is being lost. In 2006 she published a book, titled Londonistan, which outlines the growing Islamic threat and Britain’s weak response.

Fannie and Freddie Waterfalls Are Too Big to Bail

It's been a wild ride for Fannie and Freddie recently. Yesterday, James Lockhart, director of the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise, said the GSEs are "well capitalized." William Poole, former Fed governor disagrees. See...

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