Daniel Amerman's Blog

Financial Consultant, CFA
dan [at] danielamerman [dot] com ()

Daniel R. Amerman is a Chartered Financial Analyst and the author of a number of books on finance and economics.

Articles by Mr. Amerman or referencing his work have appeared in numerous publications and websites, including Reuters, MarketWatch, U.S. News & World Report, MSN Money, Seeking Alpha, Business Insider, ValueWatch, Nasdaq.com, Morningstar.com, TalkMarkets and Financial Sense. Two of his books on securities analysis were published by McGraw-Hill (and subsidiary): Mortgage Securities, and Collateralized Mortgage Obligations: Unlock The Secrets Of Mortgage Derivatives.

Mr. Amerman is a finance MBA with over 30 years of professional financial experience. As an investment banker he did groundbreaking work in the such areas as CMO/REMIC originations as part of portfolio restructurings for financial institutions, and the creation of synthetic securities for institutional clients. As an independent quantitative analyst, he has provided structural, analytical and mathematical verification services for investment banks, trust departments, and rating agencies.

Elections, Investments and the Battle for Future Wealth

There was a major battle that took place in the United States in November of 2012, but it wasn't fought between the Republicans and the Democrats. The result was an overwhelming victory – because only one side showed up for the fight. For the most part, the other side didn't even realize that a battle was being fought.

Economic Collapse and the False Dichotomy of Mainstream vs. Doomers

Perhaps the single greatest danger facing investors over the long term is to be investing for the wrong paradigm. That may sound a little theoretical, but we have a very clear and quite dangerous real-world example going on in front of us right now, which is the false dichotomy between the "Mainstream" and the "Gloom & Doomers".

The Economic Deception at the Heart of the Fiscal Cliff

Among many politicians and much of the media there is an accepted narrative about deficits, taxes and the so-called "Fiscal Cliff". It goes something like the following: "The United States is running massive deficits that are bankrupting the country. These deficits are so high because of the Bush era tax cuts.

Unraveling Why a Fed President Just Suggested Doubling QE3

Chicago Federal Reserve Bank President Charles Evans was interviewed on CNBC on Monday, and he indicated that he was in favor of continuing asset purchases at a rate of $85 billion per month all the way through 2013.

The Great Game, Gold Arbitrage, & Three Little Pigs

There is a Great Game being played at the highest levels of our monetary system. The Game has two halves: going long the real, and short the symbol. That is, going long real assets by owning them, and going short the dollar and the financial system by selective and advantageous borrowing.

“Unlimited QE3” Quick Analysis

Federal Reserve Attacks US Dollar, Risks Currency Warfare

The Federal Reserve is indeed using QE3 to attack the problem of unemployment - but not through the method stated. The cover story is that QE3 will be used to increase the money available for lending and to lower interest rates.

Five Reasons Why the Government Is Destroying the Dollar

If you have savings, if you rely on a pension, if you are a retiree or Boomer with retirement accounts - any one of these five fundamental motivations is by itself a grave peril to your future standard of living.

Three Converging Factors May Slash Economic Growth By 71%

Everything from the ability to pay for Social Security, to projected federal deficits, to retirement planning and stock market valuations is based upon assumptions that the United States and other nations will emerge from crisis and return to "normal" long-term growth rates.

High Government Deficits Crowd Out Stock Market Returns

“Crowding out” is an obscure term if you're not an economist – but this replacement of the private sector economy with government spending may end up being one of the largest determinants of your standard of living during retirement.

Student Loans & The Redistribution of Wealth

With more than $1 trillion outstanding and growing at a rate of over $100 billion a year, student loans have leaped past the credit card and auto loan markets in size. The students will not be the only ones paying...

Financial Sense Wealth Management: Invest With Us
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