Ned Schmidt's Blog

Publisher of The Value View Gold & The Agri-Food Value View Reports
nwschmidt [at] earthlink [dot] net ()

Mr. Schmidt is a financial engineer specializing in global capital flows. He has been an advocate and practitioner of value oriented investing for thirty years. Ned began his investment career as a security analyst following the oil industry in the early 1970s. In the 1980s he was manager of an investment management group with discretionary responsibility for about $3.5 billion. During the past decade he also taught institutional investment management as The Roland George Visiting Professor of Applied Investments at Stetson University.

He currently manages the Argyle Global Equity Appreciation Fund, an offshore mutual fund in the top quartile of global equity funds the past three years by Standard and Poors.

Ned currently publishes THE VALUE VIEW GOLD REPORT, and writes for THE GLOBAL ADVISOR published in Toronto.

Real Apples, Not AAPL

Apples are, according to many nutritionists, good for us. However, one has to be sure to choose the right ones as AAPL has demonstrated in recent months. AAPL, despite the Street’s claim of working its way toward $1,000 by now, has fallen hard from the tree.

Bernanke: Gold’s BFF

To date seems only one group truly loves the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve. Largely, that group is comprised of bankers and bond dealers that profit from selling bonds to the Federal Reserve. Bernanke and the bond dealers have become BFF, Best Friends Forever.

Beef Prices: What Cliff?

Beef prices are moving higher for a variety of reasons. The falling prices of this Summer set up conditions that would lead to higher prices. That decline in beef prices during the Summer was due to continued liquidation of the cattle herd as a result of dry conditions and herd reductions at feed lots as feed grain costs rose to unprofitable levels.

Cluck, Cluck for a Buck?

J. Wellington Wimpy was always one of our favorites. The guy was somewhat of a gourmet as his favorite food was hamburgers. He was also a pal of Popeye, an individual addicted to spinach.

Black Hole Friday?

With the U.S. mired in the longest running period of high unemployment since the last great failure of Keynesian economics, the Great Depression, this jobs report should have been welcome news. Instead, Gold, and most other markets, seemed to plunge into a black hole.

Soybeans Beats iPads

Technology businesses have always seemed to this researcher to be a losers’ game. Soybeans, in the past decade or so, have been converted to a winning game. Why play with losers when one can play with winners?

Do You Know Where Your Gold Is?

Owning Gold as wealth insurance is so widely accepted now as to make it a mainstream investment. A portfolio without Gold is like owning a home without insurance in a region where hurricanes are a normal weather event.

Fish in the Lake with Fish

One of the secrets to successful fishing is to fish in a lake with fish in it. Fishing in a lake void of fish is not likely to be a worthwhile venture, though it still beats a day of work. That simple reality is something much of the investment community has never really understood.

Is QE-3 Really DS-1?

Wow! The hyperventilating hyperbole on hyperinflation to be brought about by QE-3 was near overwhelming. From some of what we read, QE-3 is to cure all the economic woes of the U.S., cause hyperinflation, crash the U.S. dollar, prevent male patten baldness, push $Gold to $2,400, and cause the death of our favorite pet.

Too Much Corn for the Bulls

Most investors never heard of WASDE until recent years. With origins in the need for an understanding of U.S. grain supply during World War I, the first reports were created that came to be WASDE. The USDA’s report, World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates, has become one of the key reports for investors and governments around the world.

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