Andrew Zatlin's Blog


The Moneyball Economist Andrew Zatlin began his career as a trained economist, eventually focusing on consumer trends as a Research Fellow at the Kyoto University Economic Research Institute. Wanting more hands-on experience in the business world, he went to the Haas School of Berkeley for his MBA in 1992.

Andrew’s next stop was Silicon Valley at the onset of the digital revolution. The timing couldn’t have been better. As a 20-year veteran of the semiconductor and networking world, Andrew has participated in the emergence of the new global economy, one based on the unique characteristics of the digital world and a changing global supply chain.

The first-hand experience with the 21st century economy and what makes it so different has enabled Andrew to outperform Wall Street experts.His macroeconomic forecasts consistently rank at the top of Bloomberg polls. Even better, he has harnessed the deep understanding of the way modern companies operate to find the key data points that predict which companies are likely to beat or miss their earnings.

Vice Index: Retail Spending Pace Is Beginning To Peak

The Vice Index says retail spending peaks in January and then flattens. But disposable income may slow sooner. Meanwhile, consumer spending is already shifting away from luxury (an early indicator of slower consumer spending). Slower consumer spending is not...

2017 First Half Prediction: Stability But Minimal Growth

Finally… the US industrial economy has some good news. Goods demand has stabilized and inventory drawdowns are over. As the chart of inventory shows, starting in the second half of 2015, companies began cutting down on stockpiles.

What Comes After the Trump Rally?

The market has ripped 5% higher in just a few weeks after Trump’s nomination. But the rally isn’t coming from the largest companies that are weighted more heavily in the S&P 500. In fact, these companies aren’t performing...

The Aftermath of the US Election And Its Implications Moving Forward

The nomination of Donald Trump triggered a major see-saw reaction in the stock market. The S&P 500 immediately capsized 4% before recovering and surging 3%. A similar swing in the market was triggered by Brexit for the same...

Why the Polls Got It Wrong: Deliberate Versus Accidental Survey Bias

The consensus was overwhelmingly wrong because of accidental survey bias. It’s the difference between theory and reality, and it gets tripped up in the basics of methodology. Current approaches follow a wisdom-of-the-crowds approach where multiple predictions...

Business Spending Drops: Evidence Now Undeniable

The mounting evidence about the economy and the consumer is now undeniable. For example, we’ve covered the drop in business dining and traffic in premium steakhouses Ruth’s Chris and Del Frisco. The drop in business travel from...

The Global Economy Is Collapsing

The global economy has been collapsing for the last 2 years. Demand for “stuff” has shrunk 10% since 2014, down to levels not seen since the recession. Just look at cargo shipments from two of the world’s largest ports.

Vice Index Shows the Start of a Downtrend

Over the Summer, retail sales data strongly diverged from Moneyball’s Vice data: The official data pointed to a sharp burst of spending. The Vice data showed no acceleration. Recent revisions to the official data removed the surge and...

Why Much of Asia Is Thankful for the Upcoming iPhone Release

There is a lot of pent-up demand for Apple’s (NYSE: AAPL) new iPhone 7 that just released. It’s the first new model in over two years (last year’s was just a tweaked version of the old one.) We can gauge the level of the pent-up demand by...

The Economy Slows... Just as the Fed Talks About Raising Rates

What makes me think the economy is slowing? Because that’s what corporate America is saying. We know that there’s an industrial recession going on… even if we remove those commodity impacted sectors like materials.

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