Power & Profit for Precious Metals Partisans

“Nothing will unnerve the paper gold shorts more quickly and do more to undercut their confidence than to strip them of the real metal and force them to come up with more hard gold bullion to make good on deliveries. ‘Stand and Deliver or Go Home’ should be the rallying cry of the gold longs to the paper gold shorts."

Trader Dan Norcini

“Wall Street at least temporarily relieved of the burden of having to buy Treasuries & Agency bonds, is looking at the jump in oil prices as nothing more than an irritant to their plans for a higher market… Those funds can then be directed toward other investments, such as la liquidity-driven stock market rally. The correlation between the movements in the Fed balance sheet and market can be traced to 85% of market movement for the past 2-1/2 years. An interesting result of Fed manipulative policy is low level of short interest during this period. Most of the professional market players knew the market was headed higher, because they knew such overwhelming liquidity injections would have to take it higher… The Fed has engineered a market recovery and Wall Street knew what they were up too. QE1 saved the financial community and QE2 saved the government debt structure at least temporarily. The wealth effect has been saved temporarily as well. The public has been left with a pile of crumbs as they struggle for survival…

The problem for these bankers is that in the end they lose every time. Historically they have extracted themselves by buying everyone in sight. When the Lombard League collapsed in 1348 they were exiled and in 1789 in France their heads were removed.

What is interesting is that in each case and there were many, the bankers knew exactly what the outcome would be, but they proceeded in spite of that…

That could be in part why we are finally seeing a market correction. As far as we know the Fed is holding about $1.3 trillion in Treasuries followed closely by China, which has about $1.17 trillion. Americans hold $3.3 trillion and foreigners $4.45 trillion. The inflation created by monetization of US government debt is now showing in price inflation, particularly in food… The market may be telling us as well that quantitative easing is going to end. If that happens the world economy will collapse. Those who want an end to QE cannot understand what they are asking for. Deflation will immediately take over sucking the entire world economy down with it…

The elitists are at a dead end and they are well aware of it because they deliberately created this monstrosity.”

“The Fed Fails to Create the Stability it Dreams Of”
Bob Chapman, theinternationalforecaster.com, 3/12/11

Recent Pullbacks in Gold and Silver Prices are increasingly providing excellent Buying Opportunities for those who wish to add to their positions.

Thus it is particularly important to note that buying and holding a particular form of these Precious Metals can both enhance Profit opportunities and Wealth Protection and increase the Political Power of the Holders. One might call such Purchases “Power-Purchases”.

Specifically consider that those of us who are Precious Metals Partisans and believe that Gold and Silver are Real Money, have been increasingly Justifiably Outraged by the Ongoing and Years-Long Cartel* Gold and Silver Price Suppression Attacks.

Such a ‘Power-Purchasing’ Strategy outlined below will help weaken Cartel* Precious Metal Price Suppression Capacity and increase the Political Power, Profit Potential, and Wealth Protection of Precious Metal Owners.

*We encourage those who doubt the scope and power of Overt and Covert Interventions by a Fed-led Cartel of Key Central Bankers and Favored Financial Institutions to read Deepcaster’s December, 2009, Special Alert containing a summary overview of Intervention entitled “Forecasts and December, 2009 Special Alert: Profiting From The Cartel’s Dark Interventions - III” and Deepcaster’s July, 2010 Letter entitled "Profit from a Weakening Cartel; Buy Reco; Forecasts: Gold, Silver, Equities, Crude Oil, U.S. Dollar & U.S. T-Notes & T-Bonds" in the ‘Alerts Cache’ and ‘Latest Letter’ Cache at www.deepcaster.com. Also consider the substantial evidence collected by the Gold AntiTrust Action Committee at www.gata.org, including testimony before the CFTC, for information on precious metals price manipulation. Virtually all of the evidence for Intervention has been gleaned from publicly available records. Deepcaster’s profitable recommendations displayed at www.deepcaster.com have been facilitated by attention to these “Interventionals.” Attention to The Interventionals facilitated Deepcaster’s recommending five short positions prior to the Fall, 2008 Market Crash all of which were subsequently liquidated profitably.

Thus, we outline here a Strategy for increasing Investor/Citizen/Taxpayer power vis a vis the Cartel and for Profit and Protection as well.

The Cause of the Justified Anger arises not only from past losses unfairly incurred as a result of these Cartel attacks, but also because The Cartel’s Precious Metal Price Suppression Operation is but one Part of The Globalist’s Regime which has resulted in Many Businesses, Individuals, and Sovereign Nations around the World being increasingly mired in Unpayable Debts. (See Deepcaster’s “Saving Investments, Sovereignty, and Freedom from The Cartel ‘End Game’ (1/13/11)” in the ‘Articles by Deepcaster’ Cache at www.deepcaster.com.)

This Mega-Banker created “Global Debt Prison” (to use Giordano Bruno’s Clever Term) has resulted in a Decades-long Diminishment of the Purchasing Power of the U.S. Dollar and other Fiat Currencies, thus working a de facto confiscation of the Wealth of Investors, Savers, Taxpayers, and Retirees, as well as in the recent Dramatic Inflation of Food and Energy costs, that is, of the costs of Goods Essential for life.

BUT the Achilles Heel of the Mega-Banker Globalists is Real Money – Physical Gold and Silver privately Possessed. This increasingly Widespread Recognition of Gold and Silver as Real Money increasingly delegitimizes the Mega-Bankers Fiat Currencies and Treasury Securities, their source of Power and seemingly ever-increasing Wealth.

Thus, Gold and Silver serves as an Essential Bulwark of Precious Metal Investors’ Political and Economic Freedom.

Thus, Personal Holdings of Gold and Silver are one important Guarantee of Liberty itself for the Precious Metal Holders.

The aforementioned considerations indicate a Strategy for Weakening The Cartel, Preserving Liberty, and Profiting.

The Strategy:

Even the Mainstream Financial Media (while it still rarely acknowledges ongoing Cartel Precious Price Suppression Attempts) does increasingly acknowledge present and prospective Increasingly Severe Physical Silver Shortages.

Demand for Delivery and Personal Possession (i.e. not in Bank Vaults!) of Physical increasingly supports the Paper Silver Price even in the face of ongoing Cartel Price Suppression attempts. The Brutal Fact is that Physical Silver is getting ever harder to obtain.

  • The U.S. Mint Recently Announced it would suspend minting Silver Eagles until a sufficient supply of Silver Blanks could be obtained
  • In 2010 Industrial Demand for Silver increased 19%
  • Silver gets “used up” by Industry
  • Monetary Inflation via e.g. Q.E. 2 (and 3, etc) continues to degrade the Purchasing Power of Fiat Currencies, thus driving up the price of Real Assets including Silver, Gold and Other Commodities

Perhaps most important is what is not reported in the Mainstream Financial Media. There are increasingly well-documented Reports that large Silver Buyers on the Comex who “Stand for Delivery” are being given “Offers They Cannot Refuse” to agree to non-Delivery in return for a cash payment plus a cash premium over the Spot Price.

Specifically, large Buyers are being offered 25%, 50%, and in at least one case, 80% Cash Premiums, over their contract purchase price on condition they agree to non-delivery.

Couple this report with the Report that the largest Alleged Silver Price Manipulator – JPMorgan Chase – has recently sold short 25,000 Silver Contracts – one fourth of World Annual Production, and one realizes that it would realistically be impossible to actually deliver 25,000 Contracts of Physical Silver at 5,000 oz per contract.

But The Source of Cartel Power has been and is their ability to successfully suppress the Prices of Gold and Silver by Selling increasing numbers of Contracts of Paper Silver (and Paper Gold) into the Market, Contracts on which they cannot possibly actually deliver Physical.

However, Cartel Precious Metal Price Suppression Power has been diminished in Recent Months by Revelations that Major Repositories do not have the Physical Gold and Silver they say they have.

The Payment of Cash Premiums for Non-Delivery (above) confirms this situation.

Finally, there is even evidence that certain Cartel Price Suppression have, or are, practicing what one might call Fractional Reserve Precious Metals “Storage”.

Selling, that is, the Same Physical Gold or Silver to more than one Buyer.

The Cartel Banker “Pitch” would be “We will sell you Physical Silver (or Gold) provided you ‘store’ it in our Vault”.

Thereby, to the extent that Silver (especially) and Gold purchasers demand Delivery of, and retain personal physical possession of Silver and Gold, The Cartel, led by the private for-profit Fed, is weakened, and Individual Liberty, Economic Health and National Sovereignty strengthened.

Thus the Wise, Freedom-loving and Profit-seeking will follow the advice of Astute Trader Dan Norcini: Demand that those who sell you Silver and Gold “Stand and Deliver”.

About the Author


Deepcaster LLC