Lifetime Planning

How High Inflation Alters Your Tax Planning for 2022 and Beyond

Mar 14 – Inflation is currently running very hot, back to levels we haven't seen in 40 years. And, as we've been arguing since 2020, it's likely to remain persistently high for years to come. Question is, what are the financial implications of high inflation...

It's Time to Prepare for an Emergency Crisis. Here Are Five Steps to Take Right Away

Mar 7 – Financial Sense Newshour speaks with emergency preparedness expert Kevin Matsukado about the five steps every individual, family, and organization can take in case disaster strikes. In addition to having an action plan...

What You Need to Know for Filing Your 2021 Taxes This Year

Feb 28 – We are right in the middle of tax season so today we are going to discuss a number of issues that you’ll need to know and take into account as you are filing your taxes for 2021. First, we discuss how inflation is leading to what's called...

JP Piccinini on Rush for Land, Suburban Real Estate in Low-Cost States

Feb 28 – JP Piccinini, owner of one of the fastest growing real estate brokerage firms in the US, discusses the ongoing migration patterns he is seeing between various states and from cities to rural, suburban areas. JP explains some of the ways...

Hal Wright on Financial Planning and Resources for a Special Needs Child

Feb 21 – Hal Wright, author of The Complete Guide to Creating a Special Needs Life Plan, joins us to discuss everything a parent, grandparent, or family needs to know when it comes to setting up a special needs trust, what government benefits...

Our View: A Global Revolt Against Lockdowns, Mandates, and Misguided Policies

Feb 15 – Many of you likely heard of the controversial study that was released in recent weeks concluding that lockdowns were ineffective and may have caused more harm than good. There’s a number of reasons why this study has received...

Here's How the IRS Is Stepping Up Efforts Against Small Businesses

Feb 7 – "The IRS believes that small businesses in general...are cheating across the board on their tax returns," tax litigator Dan Pilla tells Financial Sense Newshour. "And they've escalated that now considerably," he says, with a primary focus...

There's a 'Great Burnout' Underway. Here's How to Avoid It

Jan 31 – Dr. Gerald Fishkin discusses one of the greatest problems facing both workers and retirees today: burnout. Listen in as he offers specific tips and guidance on what people can do now to create a healthier, more engaged and active lifestyle...

Lifetime Planning: Tax & 401K Rule Changes for 2022

Jan 24 – In today's Lifetime Planning segment, we discuss the most important changes the government is making to tax brackets, social security, and 401Ks. Some of these changes are good news and will benefit those planning...

Jeff Kotterman on 3 Basic Steps to Stay Healthy in the Age of Covid

Jan 17 – In today's Lifetime Planning segment, Financial Sense Newshour speaks with health and nutrition expert Jeff Kotterman of TriSystem Health on the three basic steps to stay healthy, particularly when people all over the world are...

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