
Bull Market Firmly Intact, TINA Trade Is Over, Says Richard Dickson

May 26 – We’re still in a bull market but the TINA (“There Is No Alternative” to equities) trade is now over, Richard Dickson, Chief Market Analyst at Lowry Research, tells Financial Sense Newshour in today’s podcast.

The 5G Superorganism

May 25 – FS Insider interviews Woody Preucil, Senior Managing Director at 13D Global Strategy and Research, on why 5th Generation (5G) wireless technology is so important in today’s technological arms race.

Dr. Woody Brock on Trade Wars in a Globalized Economy

May 24 – FS Insider interviews Dr. Woody Brock on the difficulty of trade wars in our modern, globalized economy, especially when many goods are not produced in the region or country they are eventually sold. Brock also takes...

Danielle DiMartino Booth on Fed, Dollar, and Emerging Markets

May 23 – FS Insider interviews Danielle DiMartino Booth at Money Strong on the forces currently bearing on emerging markets given the amount of dollar-denominated debt held overseas and why this is becoming a concern...

Student Debt Passes $1.5 Trillion Mark

May 22 – Financial Sense Newshour interviews Mark Kantrowitz on the new record high in student debt loans and what this means for individuals, the economy, and the markets as a whole. Mark Kantrowitz is a nationally-recognized expert on student financial...

Where the Jobs Are – Alternatives to a College Education

May 21 – The US just set another debt record. This time, it’s with college students as student debt loans now exceed $1.5 trillion. With this being graduation month for many seniors, we’re going to look at alternatives to the...

Big Picture: Time to Start Hedging – Cash Is No Longer Trash

May 19 – In today’s edition of the Big Picture, Financial Sense Newshour’s Jim Puplava explains why it’s time to start hedging your portfolio based on, as Don Coxe said earlier this week on FS Insider, a “convergence of storm fronts,” including...

Gary Dorsch on Second Half Storm Clouds; Kurt Wulff: Still Value in Energy Stocks

May 19 – Ryan Puplava, CEO of Financial Sense Wealth Management, discusses this week’s market-moving events. Next, Financial Sense Newshour speaks with Gary Dorsch at Global Money Trends on the storm clouds he sees gathering in...

Chris Puplava on Buyback Bonanza, EM Trouble, and “Private” Yield Curve

May 18 – FS Insider interviews Chris Puplava, CIO of Financial Sense Wealth Management, to discuss the bonanza in stock buybacks by US companies, why risks are brewing for emerging markets, and how we now see an...

Don Coxe: Convergence of Multiple Storm Fronts

May 17 – FS Insider interviews Don Coxe at Coxe Advisors on the large number of storm fronts that are converging upon the financial markets, whether in the disruption to the fundamental pricing mechanism that...

Derrick: US Outlook Still Positive, Though Global LEIs Rolling Over

May 16 – FS Insider interviews John Derrick at The Derrick Letter to discuss the US stock market outlook and what sector performance is telling us about the sustainability of the recent rally. Derrick also provides his view on...

Tax Reform Just Made Divorce More Expensive

May 15 – Not many people realize it yet but the tax reform bill passed by Congress late last year had some hidden impacts when it comes to the costs of divorce. Today, we discuss these with divorce lawyer, mediator, and...

Get a Degree - Have No Debt and Get a Higher Paying Job

May 14 – It's that time of year for the parents of students to prepare for high school graduation and taking the next step in college planning. The cost of tuition keeps climbing and that has many parents concerned with how...

Oil Shock - Oil Prices Heading to $80 a Barrel

May 12 – In today’s Big Picture episode, Jim Puplava and John Loeffler discuss how oil prices have been climbing. Now that summer is almost upon us, we look at expectations for oil prices to head toward $80 a barrel.

Basil Chapman: Dow in Breakout Mode

May 12 – Ryan Puplava talks about the Trump announcement to withdraw from the Iran deal and its implications for energy and the financial markets. Basil Chapman, host of The Tiger Technicians Hour joins us on the show...

Joel Kurtzman: Unleashing the Second American Century: Four Forces for Economic Dominance

May 11, 2018 – Jim is pleased to welcome author Joel Kurtzman, Senior Fellow at the Milken Institute and author of the new book “Unleashing the Second American Century: Four Forces for Economic Dominance”. Joel makes the powerful argument...

Jim Bianco: Regime Shifts Are Not Pretty

May 10 – FS Insider interviews Jim Bianco, Macro Strategist and President of Bianco Research, to discuss his recent conference call, Regime Shifts Are Not Pretty, detailing analysis on the Fed’s sensitivity to market...

Lex Sokolin on AI’s Trillion-Dollar Disruption of Finance

May 9 – FS Insider interviews Lex Sokolin at Autonomous Research to discuss their recent 84-page report titled Augmented Finance on how AI is being currently applied across the financial services industry.

Putnam’s Chris Hennessey on Corporate Tax Reform, Media Misconceptions, and Real Estate Impacts

May 8 – Financial Sense Newshour interviews Chris Hennessey at Putnam Investments to discuss the magnitude of impacts expected from the recent tax reform bill and how this will affect corporations, individuals, and real estate.

Beware These States Will Tax You to Death

May 7 – Everyone is aware of a major tax law that went into effect this year. We’ve covered the details in past shows but, today, we put a highlight on the differences in state taxes when it comes to income, estate, property, and sales taxes. Lastly, we boil it all...

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