Financial Sense Blog

Is the Dollar About to Crash?

Aug 13 – Non-Commercial hedgers (“dumb money”) are the most short the US dollar since the early 2018 bottom. When their short positions get to this lower extreme, that usually indicates a bottom as shown by the following graph...

Russell Napier on ‘Monetary Pyrotechnics’ and Coming Age of Inflation

Jul 16 – Noted financial historian and strategist, Russell Napier, recently joined FS Insider for a conversation about the new inflationary landscape Russell sees the world heading toward. He outlined his change in...

Zero-Bound: Going Negative

Jul 15 – The recession has caused interest rates to drop to zero and we expect them to remain there for years to come in order to lower borrowing costs on an exploding national debt. The Fed is being forced to monetize most of the government’s debt...

Tech-Tock, Tech-Tock

By Ryan Preiss, CRPC®

Jul 14 – What this data tells me is that we are now entering a phase of the Nasdaq where fundamentals are out the window. Returns, profit and greed now run the show and if you stand in the way of these things you may just be the next up to be canceled...

Government Policy One of the Main Drivers of Financial Bubbles Throughout History

Jul 8 – On a recent edition of FS Insider, Cris Sheridan spoke the authors of Boom and Bust: A Global History of Financial Bubbles, out August 2020. Authors William Quinn and John Turner discussed what a bubble actually is...

Jim Puplava on How MMT Will Change the Way You Invest

Jul 7– In the first half of 2020, we saw the U.S. unemployment rate jump from 3.5% up to 14.7%. During the depths of the downturn, just under seven million unemployment claims were filed in a single week...

Everyone Needs a Big Brother

By Ryan Preiss, CRPC®

Jul 2 – Shown above are the four largest ETF holdings of the Federal Reserve. As the coronavirus brought unexpected peril to various industries, the Fed decided to stabilize things with its open market operations by deploying close to $6.8 billion...

We Haven’t Seen Disruption Like This Since the 1930s, Says Chris Whalen

Jun 29 – “Social distancing means financial Armageddon for commercial real estate and municipalities in coming months,” wrote Chris Whalen. He recently joined FS Insider to discuss this financial disaster as well as...

When the Facts Change, I Change My Mind. What Do You Do?

Jun 26 – In light of the worsening development in COVID-19 infections and deterioration in the economic improvement, we’ve started to reduce risk in client accounts from a neutral position on stocks to nearly a minimum stock exposure level...

The End of Money: From Paper to Things

Jun 26 – We are at a key pivot point in investment history. The monetary environment is going to change the investment landscape going forward. I have found there are very few investment cycles in an investor’s lifetime. These are periods or cycles where...

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