Guillaume Pitron on The Rare Metals War: The Dark Side of Clean Energy

October 12, 2022 – Jim Puplava interviews award-winning investigative journalist Guillaume Pitron to discuss his latest book detailing the dark and untold story of green energy, which, Guillaume explains, is actually very far from being clean. Guillaume says Western governments deluded themselves and the public into thinking green energy is clean energy only because they were able to export the extremely dirty underbelly of mining and processing the rare earth metals green energy so heavily relies upon to China and other nations. This is a must-listen interview full of detailed facts and insights largely ignored by green energy, anti-fossil fuel advocates. We highly encourage you to share this interview and pick up a copy of Guillaume's book: The Rare Metals War: The Dark Side of Clean Energy and Digital Technologies

Follow Guillaume on Twitter @GuillaumePitron or visit his website by going to

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